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EUROPA - Research and Innovation: What's New in Innovation

Friday, December 11, 2009

Climate change solution innovators_EU nations commit $3.6 billion to climate fund

Alternative Title_"The Good, The Bad and the Ugly".

Good News and bad news:

The Good:
Lets take note of this apparently good news for the majority awaiting developments.

And for good innovation practice:
"The EU leaders also pledged to reduce their emissions by 30 percent of 1990 levels by 2020 — but are still demanding that other leading polluters make comparable commitments first."

The Bad:
Critics noted, however, the $10 billion-a-year aid pales in comparison to the huge stimulus packages and bank bailouts paid by many governments in the wake of the global financial meltdown. Financier George Soros, speaking Thursday in Copenhagen, dismissed the $10 billion figure as inadequate for the scope of change that poor countries need to enact.

The Ugly?

I could hold a Pole, sorry Poll, for example.

But I shall leave this to readers to comment upon.
Warning or Warming: Please reference your comments.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sandbag Climate Game_Set Your Own Emissions Targets and See The Implications, Policy Assistance

In my Sandbag post of 03 Dec 2009 I promised to come back to give the link which I thought was very much worth blogging. This has been done. The link is

Sandbag Climate Game_set your own emissions targets and see the implications.

A ready access link has also been added to the RHS vertical menu bar.


Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Science, Technology, and Society and much more @ MIT OPEN COURSES-Free online

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Science, Technology, and Society and much more @ MIT OPEN COURSES-Free online

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Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Science, Technology, and Society and much more @ MIT OPEN COURSES-Free online

What every serious innovator should know about in our complex information abondant world

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Science, Technology, and Society and much more @ MIT OPEN COURSES-Free online: "Science, Technology, and Society and much more @ MIT OPEN COURSES-Free online"

Saturday, December 05, 2009

The truth about the cost of wind according to French Think-Tank. The answer may not be blowing in the wind?

To restore the truth about the cost of wind

By Vincent Le Biez translation . J.A.

Despite the counter arguments advanced by professionals of industrial wind turbines, the Institut Montaigne-in French- persists and signs: Wind turbine energy does not meet a need in France, considering the (current) structure of its power generation installations, composed primarily of nuclear and hydropower, which are recognised as being particularly sober (low) in terms of CO2 emissions. Moreover, the achievement of the Grenelle of the environment, ie 25 GW of wind power installed by 2020, would result in additional costs to society of about 2 to 3 billion euros. The current development of this technology is only due to the purchase price guaranteed to farmers by the state over 15 years, which are particularly attractive rates, funded by electricity consumers and which allow the creation of "green-rents" whose validity is questionable.

PS I more or less needlessly translated the above abstract to the full Pdf-Policy Paper "AEOLIAN POWER: CASTING MONEY TO THE WINDS? – July 2008 by Vincent Le Biez. from french to english. The full paper is still in french unless the abstract(s) stir sufficient interest for readers to request a full translation. Why put an s on abstract? Because I had translated before I spotted the english version giving access to at least to summaries and abstracts. The english abstract is a slightly fuller version and better written to my mind than the original french version.

NB. This work refers to the Energy production side - not to the the Energy Consumption side.

Whatever aspect one choses to look or from whatever angle there appears to be little room for complacency especially in "our developpeded world" cf graphs and physics from Prof. David MacKay, FRS., author of "Without Hot Air." freely available online.

REF. 2nd Abstract . The original english abstract on Institut Montainge's site

Ref. (In French)
1. the Institut Montaigne

2. the Institut Montaigne -Wind turbines with access to full Pdf. document and Video discussions discussions.

en référence à : Eoliennes & développement durable : rétablir la vérité sur le coût de l'éolien [INSTITUT MONTAIGNE] (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

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Thursday, December 03, 2009


Thanks to Tree Hugger's blog, I have just learned of Sandbag's site and it's interactive tools to help get "the big picture on country based CO2 emissions, trading and setting of emissions targets.

It appeaars to require more time and thought and I will certainly come back to this site, self- babtised "Real action on climate change" and check against that golden oldie Real Climate -Climatologist favourite.

One more tool to Police COP15 and our "collective" elected "management" and as such must be echoed for study, discussion and action by the widest possible well informed, public.

Here is the link I promised to come back on:

Sandbag Climate Game_ set your own emissions targets

en référence à : Sandbag: real action on climate change (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)