Alternative Title_"The Good, The Bad and the Ugly".
Good News and bad news:
The Good:
Lets take note of this apparently good news for the majority awaiting developments.
And for good innovation practice:
"The EU leaders also pledged to reduce their emissions by 30 percent of 1990 levels by 2020 — but are still demanding that other leading polluters make comparable commitments first."
The Bad:
Critics noted, however, the $10 billion-a-year aid pales in comparison to the huge stimulus packages and bank bailouts paid by many governments in the wake of the global financial meltdown. Financier George Soros, speaking Thursday in Copenhagen, dismissed the $10 billion figure as inadequate for the scope of change that poor countries need to enact.
The Ugly?
I could hold a Pole, sorry Poll, for example.
But I shall leave this to readers to comment upon.
Warning or Warming: Please reference your comments.