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EUROPA - Research and Innovation - What's New

EUROPA - Research and Innovation: What's New in Innovation

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

6.986 tons of CO2 injected underground at Ketzen Germany _ CCS CO2SINK-Project _Progress to date

Up to January 11th 2009, 6.986 tons of CO2 are injected in the underground at Ketzen

The CO2SINK project started in April 2004. The project centres on careful observation of the effects of injecting a significant amount of CO2 into a reservoir.

Their website CO2SINK will provide information about the project as it develops, general material about CO2 capture and storage, and links to other sites. Their site also contains a page where your views or questions can be posted to the project team.

The project is coordinated by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

Incidentally I had the pleasure of reviewing the book Continental Scientific Drilling edited by a team from GFZ covering a wide spectrum of interdisciplinery themes contibuted by a renowned international scientists and engineers not only from the physical sciences but also from biosciences.


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