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EUROPA - Research and Innovation - What's New

EUROPA - Research and Innovation: What's New in Innovation

Monday, September 03, 2012

News and Innovations of Note from the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. (RAE)

I have added a new feed to my blog, due to the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. (RAE).

Newly connected to the Academy (RAE) via the professional network Linkedin, I revisited their site with even more enthusiasm upon learning of the EBE-Environmentally Benign Engineering work of Prof Stephan Salter who appears to have adopted my native Scotland and its "eastern capital" Edinburgh where he chose to live and work as long ago as 1973, leaving his native South Africa.

Here is a short introduction from the RAE site dated 24 July 2012:

"Wave energy pioneer receives top Academy Award"
The Royal Academy of Engineering Sustained Achievement Award 2012 has been presented to Professor Stephen Salter, whose career as an engineer holds many notable achievements including 'Salter's Duck' and his pioneering work in the desalination of sea water.
 Professor Salter, a world leader in the fields of renewable energy and geoengineering at      the University of Edinburgh, has spent the last 37 years developing innovative and practical ways of mitigating the impact of climate change. His highly innovative research has resulted in very significant technology transfer through the spin-out of three companies, including Pelamis Wave Power and Artemis Intelligent Power."

Congratulations to Stephen one of many innovators brought to our attention in this case by the Royal Academy of Engineering RAE, UK.

Please do not hesitate to read this feed and visit their site.

RAE News -Wave energy pioneer receives top Academy Award

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